

Agilent ZORBAX Eclipse Plus


ZORBAX Eclipse Plus

◈ Product Information
Eclipse Plus columns provide the ultimate in performance for silica-based columns. Peak shape is excellent for the most challenging basic compounds, improving efficiency and resolution with these sample types. These results are achieved by improvements in the silica manufacturing and bonding technology, which is completely controlled by Agilent. Because of their high level of performance, Eclipse Plus columns are the ideal first choice for method development of all samples. To achieve fast method development and superior productivity, choose a column with high-resolution 1.8 um particles. For standard methods, conventional 5 µm and Rapid Resolution 3.5 um columns are your best choice. With all particle sizes, easy method transfer
Eclipse Plus columns are recommended for initial method development from pH 2-9 and provide high resolution and excellent peak shape of all types of compounds. Like all Eclipse columns Eclipse Plus columns achieve superior performance through extra dense bonding and a precise double-endcapping process.  But Eclipse Plus columns also feature enhanced high-performance silica, new endcapping reagents, and a unique bonding process that is optimized for the improved silica.
Eclipse Plus columns are available in C18, C8, and a new C18 bonded phase for the separation of PAH’s (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons). Eclipse Plus columns are available in particle sizes ranging from 1.8um to 5um – RRHT to Prep and are a rapidly growing new product family. Rapid Resolution HT (RRHT) 1.8um columns provide the fastest analysis times and the highest resolution in a new wider range of column dimensions supporting high pressure use.

► Point
- Excellent peak shape for basic compounds
- High level of performance—peak shape, efficiency, resolution, and lifetime—with all sample types: acids, bases and neutrals
- Easy, efficient method development
- Superior reproducibility with more rigorous QA/QC testing
- Improved, patented silica manufacturing with start-to-finish product control
- Available in 1.8, 3.5 and 5um particle sizes for all analytical, high resolution, and fast LC analyses
- Available in C18, C8, and a new C18 specifically for PAH separations

► Specification
Bonded Phase Pore Size Surface Area Temp. Limits pH Range End capped Carbon Load
ZORBAX Eclipse Plus C18 95A 160 m²/g 60°C 2.0 - 9.0* Double 8%
ZORBAX Eclipse Plus C8 95A 160 m²/g 60°C 2.0 - 9.0* Double 8%
ZORBAX Eclipse PAH 95A 160 m²/g 60°C 2.0 - 8.0* Double 14%

*Column lifetime will be reduced significantly at pH>7 and temperature>°C. At pH 6-9, highest column stability for all silica based columns is obtained by operating at temperatures<40°C and using lower buffer concentrations in range of 0.01 – 0.02M, especially with phosphate and carbonate buffers.

◈ Ordering Information
Product Number Description Package
821125-936 Eclipse Plus C18 Grd, 2.1x12.5mm, 5um 4/pkg
820950-936 Eclipse Plus C18 Grd, 4.6x12.5mm, 5um 4/pkg
959793-902 Eclipse Plus C18, 2.1x100mm, 3.5um 1/pkg
959763-902 Eclipse Plus C18, 2.1x150mm, 3.5um 1/pkg
959701-902 Eclipse Plus C18, 2.1x150mm, 5um 1/pkg
959733-902 Eclipse Plus C18, 2.1x30mm, 3.5um 1/pkg
959741-902 Eclipse Plus C18, 2.1x50mm, 1.8um, 600bar 1/pkg
959743-902 Eclipse Plus C18, 2.1x50mm, 3.5um 1/pkg
959746-902 Eclipse Plus C18, 2.1x50mm, 5um 1/pkg
959961-302 Eclipse Plus C18, 3.0x100mm, 3.5um 1/pkg
959963-302 Eclipse Plus C18, 3.0x150mm, 3.5um 1/pkg
959993-302 Eclipse Plus C18, 3.0x150mm, 5um 1/pkg
959961-902 Eclipse Plus C18, 4.6x100mm, 3.5um 1/pkg
959996-902 Eclipse Plus C18, 4.6x100mm, 5um 1/pkg
959963-902 Eclipse Plus C18, 4.6x150mm, 3.5um 1/pkg
959993-902 Eclipse Plus C18, 4.6x150mm, 5um 1/pkg
959990-902 Eclipse Plus C18, 4.6x250mm, 5um 1/pkg
959936-902 Eclipse Plus C18, 4.6x30mm, 3.5um 1/pkg
959941-902 Eclipse Plus C18, 4.6x50mm, 1.8um, 600bar 1/pkg
959943-902 Eclipse Plus C18, 4.6x50mm, 3.5um 1/pkg
959946-902 Eclipse Plus C18, 4.6x50mm, 5um 1/pkg
959933-902 Eclipse Plus C18, 4.6x75mm, 3.5um 1/pkg


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