
EXL7 Analysis
EXL®7 Lab Water System Pure & Ultrapure Water Quality
Ultrapure Series EXL®7 Analysis Resistivity (at 25℃) 18.2 MΩxcm *TOC <5 ppb **Bacteria <0.01 CFU/mL Endotoxin - RNases (RNase-free)- DNases (DNase-free)- Particles (@0.2 ㎲) <1/mL Flow Rate Up to 2(I/min) RO Module Rejection Rates (Pure) Resistivity (at 25℃)- Monovalent Ions (%)Up to 98% Polyvalent Ions (%)Up to 98% Particles>99% Microorga-nisms>99% Dissolved Organics (>300MW)>99% Product Flow Rate(±20% at 25℃) Up to 16/32 l/h Maximum Recovery Rate*Approxi. 50 %
Depends on feed water quality and temperature.
* TOC Specs - Test Conditions: EXL®System equipped with Pre Carbon filter and DI cartridge and with feed(tap) water quality within pecifications. Product water quality may vary due to local feed water conditions.
** Results with 0.2 Final Filter.
Feed Water Quality* Exclusively potable water according to the drinking water regulations of the USA, the European Union, Korea or Japan.
Temperature 2-30℃ Conductivity <500 ㎲/cm TDS <250 ppm TOC <2000 ppb Max. Permanent Hardness(max.CaCO3)360 ppm Free chlorine3 ppm Iron (Total Fe Content)<0.1 ppm Fouling Index <5 SDI Turbidity <1 NTμ pH Value 4-10 Input Pressure 0.5-6.9bar, Recommended >2bar 예일테크 2019.01.15
EXL®7 Lab Water System Pure & Ultrapure Water Quality
Ultrapure Series EXL®7 Analysis Resistivity (at 25℃) 18.2 MΩxcm *TOC <5 ppb **Bacteria <0.01 CFU/mL Endotoxin - RNases (RNase-free)- DNases (DNase-free)- Particles (@0.2 ㎲) <1/mL Flow Rate Up to 2(I/min) RO Module Rejection Rates (Pure) Resistivity (at 25℃)- Monovalent Ions (%)Up to 98% Polyvalent Ions (%)Up to 98% Particles>99% Microorga-nisms>99% Dissolved Organics (>300MW)>99% Product Flow Rate(±20% at 25℃) Up to 16/32 l/h Maximum Recovery Rate*Approxi. 50 %
Depends on feed water quality and temperature.
* TOC Specs - Test Conditions: EXL®System equipped with Pre Carbon filter and DI cartridge and with feed(tap) water quality within pecifications. Product water quality may vary due to local feed water conditions.
** Results with 0.2 Final Filter.
Feed Water Quality* Exclusively potable water according to the drinking water regulations of the USA, the European Union, Korea or Japan.
Temperature 2-30℃ Conductivity <500 ㎲/cm TDS <250 ppm TOC <2000 ppb Max. Permanent Hardness(max.CaCO3)360 ppm Free chlorine3 ppm Iron (Total Fe Content)<0.1 ppm Fouling Index <5 SDI Turbidity <1 NTμ pH Value 4-10 Input Pressure 0.5-6.9bar, Recommended >2bar 예일테크 2019.01.15

EXL7 Pure Plus
EXL®7 Lab Water System Pure Water Quality
Ultrapure Series EXL®7 Pure Plus Resistivity (at 25℃) >5 MΩxcm Conductivity (at 25℃) <0.2 ㎲/cm Monovalent Ions (%)- Polyvalent Ions (%)- Particles>99 % Microorganisms>99 % Dissolved Organics (>300MW)>99 % Product Flow Rate(±20% at 25℃) Up to 16(I/h) Maximum Recovery Rate* Approxi.50 %
* Depends on feed water quality and temperature
Feed Water Quality
Temperature 2-30℃ Conductivity <500㎲/cm TDS<250 ppm TOC<2000 ppb Max.Premanent Hardness (max.CaCO3)360 ppm Free chlorine3 ppm Iron(Total Fe Content) <0.1 ppm Fouling Index<5 SDI Turbidity<1 NTμ
pH Value4-10 Input Pressure0.5-6.9 bar, Recommended >2 bar 예일테크 2019.01.15
EXL®7 Lab Water System Pure Water Quality
Ultrapure Series EXL®7 Pure Plus Resistivity (at 25℃) >5 MΩxcm Conductivity (at 25℃) <0.2 ㎲/cm Monovalent Ions (%)- Polyvalent Ions (%)- Particles>99 % Microorganisms>99 % Dissolved Organics (>300MW)>99 % Product Flow Rate(±20% at 25℃) Up to 16(I/h) Maximum Recovery Rate* Approxi.50 %
* Depends on feed water quality and temperature
Feed Water Quality
Temperature 2-30℃ Conductivity <500㎲/cm TDS<250 ppm TOC<2000 ppb Max.Premanent Hardness (max.CaCO3)360 ppm Free chlorine3 ppm Iron(Total Fe Content) <0.1 ppm Fouling Index<5 SDI Turbidity<1 NTμ
pH Value4-10 Input Pressure0.5-6.9 bar, Recommended >2 bar 예일테크 2019.01.15

EXL7 Pure
EXL®7 Lab Water System Pure Water Quality
Ultrapure Series EXL®7 Pure Resistivity (at 25℃)- Conductivity (at 25℃) <20 ㎲/cm Monovalent IonsUp to 98% Polyvalent IonsUp to 98% Particles>99 % Microorganisms>99 % Dissolved Organics (>300MW)>99 % Product Flow Rate(±20% at 25℃) Up to 16/32 (I/h) Maximum Recovery Rate* Approxi.50 %
* Depends on feed water quality and temperature
Feed Water Quality* Exclusively potable water according to the drinking water regulations of the USA, the European Union, Korea or Japan.
Temperature 2-30℃ Conductivity <500㎲/cm TDS<250 ppm TOC<2000 ppb Max.Premanent Hardness (max.CaCO3)360 ppm Free chlorine3 ppm Iron(Total Fe Content) <0.1 ppm Fouling Index<5 SDI Turbidity<1 NTμ
pH Value4-10 Input Pressure0.5-6.9 bar, Recommended >2 bar 예일테크 2019.01.15
EXL®7 Lab Water System Pure Water Quality
Ultrapure Series EXL®7 Pure Resistivity (at 25℃)- Conductivity (at 25℃) <20 ㎲/cm Monovalent IonsUp to 98% Polyvalent IonsUp to 98% Particles>99 % Microorganisms>99 % Dissolved Organics (>300MW)>99 % Product Flow Rate(±20% at 25℃) Up to 16/32 (I/h) Maximum Recovery Rate* Approxi.50 %
* Depends on feed water quality and temperature
Feed Water Quality* Exclusively potable water according to the drinking water regulations of the USA, the European Union, Korea or Japan.
Temperature 2-30℃ Conductivity <500㎲/cm TDS<250 ppm TOC<2000 ppb Max.Premanent Hardness (max.CaCO3)360 ppm Free chlorine3 ppm Iron(Total Fe Content) <0.1 ppm Fouling Index<5 SDI Turbidity<1 NTμ
pH Value4-10 Input Pressure0.5-6.9 bar, Recommended >2 bar 예일테크 2019.01.15
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